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KCTU Documents

Trade Unions Proposal for Improvements of TULRAA

작성일 2020.04.11 작성자 관리자 조회수 6669



Trade Unions Proposal for Improvements of <Trade Union and Labour Relation Adjustment Act> (TULRAA)


Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU)

Federation of Korean Trade Unions (FKTU)

Nov. 2012


I. KCTU Position on the Direction of the Amendment of the Trade Union Act 



1. Summary of the Current State of Labor Relations in South Korea


2. Demands for the Amendment of the Trade Union Act


1) Right to Organise

 (1) Expanding recognition as workers and strengthening the responsibility for employers


 (2) Association Rights of Teachers and Government Employees


 (3) Repeal the ban on wage payment by employers for full-time union officials

 (4) Improving procedures for the reporting of the trade union establishment



2) Right to Collective Bargaining


 (1) Institutionalization of industry-level collective bargaining

 (2) Free and voluntary bargaining for multiple unions at the same enterprise


 (3) Restriction on the unilateral cancellation of collective agreements


3) Right to Collective Action


 (1) Restriction on claiming damages against trade unions and expansion of the right to strike 


 (2) Abolition of the system to Maintain Essential Public Services

 (3) Restriction on aggressive lockouts



II. FKTU Proposal for the Amendment of the Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act


1. Purpose and background


2. Key Items



<Table> Comparison of Proposals for the Improvements of the Trade Union Act by KFTU and KCTU