We, the workers - the driving force of production and the catalyst of social reform and historical progress - hereby declare the establishment of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), a national central organisation of independent and democratic trade unions.
Our predecessor workers waged a blood-stained struggle for national liberation and independence under the harsh oppression of Japanese imperialism.
Since liberation, we workers have preserved democratic trade unions despite severe suppression by dictatorial regimes. Following the Great Workers' Struggle of 1987, despite all manner of persecution - including the imprisonment of some 2,000 workers and the dismissal of over 5,000 - we have continued to expand and develop our organisation. Through nationwide joint wage struggle, labour law reform movements, and social reform struggles, we have strengthened our unity and solidarity.
Now, building upon this unified strength, we establish this national central organisation of independent and democratic trade unions. United under the KCTU, we shall vigorously struggle to secure working conditions that maintain human dignity and decent living standards, to achieve fundamental labour rights, to eliminate undemocratic elements from workplaces, to eradicate industrial accidents, and to realise gender equality. Furthermore, through democratic social reform, we shall strive to improve the quality of life for all citizens whilst hastening the achievement of our nation's independence, democracy, and reunification.
Moreover, we shall strengthen solidarity and unity with workers worldwide, transcending national boundaries, and endeavour to achieve world peace through the elimination of wars of aggression and nuclear weapons.
To achieve these objectives, we shall accelerate the organisation of unorganised workers and strengthen our organisational capacity. Through industrial joint struggles and unified movements, we shall develop into a national central organisation based on industrial unions. Furthermore, we shall enhance our independence from political power and capital whilst strengthening internal democracy, dedicating ourselves to the unity of the entire labour movement, and realising political influence through solidarity with all democratic forces.
Let us now march forward vigorously, holding high the flag of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, undaunted by any suppression or interference from capital and power, until we achieve a reunified nation and democratic society where human dignity and equality are guaranteed!
11th November 1995